A comedy narrating the adventures of ten Puerto Ricans looking for a better life. The film centers on an airplane trip to New York during 1960's. It relates in a comical, yet poignant manner, the array of reasons each of the passengers has for leaving Puerto Rico and the challenges they face as suggested by the interactions of the Anglo crew and the passengers.
José Luis (Chavito) Marrero
Teófilo Torres
Gladys Rodríguez
Sunshine Logroño
Gladys Aguayo
Adamari López
Idalia Pérez Garay
José M. Umpierre
Axel Anderson
Dennis M. Rivera
Carmen Nydia Velázquez
Ernesto Vélez Gandía
Norma Candal
Raúl Dávila
Eugenio Monclova
Orlando Rodríguez
Esther Marí
Tony Chiroldes
Ángel F. Rivera
Julio Ramos
Andrés F. Quiñones
Joe Rosa
Gerardo Ortiz
Mario Roche
Alba Nydia Díaz
David Rodríguez
Hilda Avilés
Marian Pabón
Kate Garrity
Ineabelle Colón
Luis Enrique Romero
Nilka Desiree Rosado
Delia Esther Quiñones
Santos Nazario
Roy Sánchez-Vahamonde
Hector Travieso
Cristina Soler
Víctor Santos
Iliana García
Noelia Crespo