This film is an adaptation of the novel written by Indi. The story begin when Indi (Velove Vexia), who suffered from scoliosis, her activities became increasingly limited. After being told that she is no longer allowed to participate in sports activities, Indi became even more so quiet. Everything changed when she met Mika (Vino G. Bastian). Indi's spirit start growing. She became more willing to overcome her illness. Mika, who has an optimistic view of life, successfully make Indi to be cheerful once more. In fact, Mika himself has AIDS.
Vino G. Bastian
Velove Vexia
Iszur Muchtar
Donna Harun
Henny Yuliani
Westny Dj
Sheila Mahdali
Framly Nainggolan
George Timothy
Dallas Pratama
Andri Mashadi
Hans Hilman
Erly Ashy
Budi Ros
Jane Loujk
Richard Oh
Joko Anwar
Icang S. Tisnamiharja
Ronny Hardjo
Sugih Susanto
Zoya Salsabila
Raditya Pradana
Ricky Arya
Gallis A.S.
Kevin Alexander Sumakul
Linda Ulviana
Tonny CH Pangemanan
Nino Aspiranta
David Mandang
Ichsan Pratama
Arwin Tri Wardhana
Juwita Rahayu