Galaxina is a lifelike, voluptuous android who is assigned to oversee the operations of an intergalactic Space Police cruiser captained by incompetent Cornelius Butt. When a mission requires the ship's crew to be placed in suspended animation for decades, Galaxina finds herself alone for many years, developing emotions and falling in love with the ship's pilot, Thor.
Dorothy Stratten
Stephen Macht
Avery Schreiber
Lionel Mark Smith
J.D. Hinton
Tad Horino
Ronald Knight
Percy Rodriguez
Angelo Rossitto
Susan Kiger
Marilyn Joi
Rhonda Shear
Hugh Warden
Herb Kaplowitz
Stephen Morrell
Nancy McCauley
Fred D. Scott
David A. Cox
Pete Schrum
Bartine Zane
Heather O'Connell
George Mather
Frank Ferro
Jacqueline Jacobs