Misfits in their lives back home, a group of young people live it up at musical-theater camp. While the sports counselor is completely ignored, the kids' spend all their time in rehearsal for a grueling schedule that involves a new show every two weeks. Several personal stories come to the fore.
Daniel Letterle
Joanna Chilcoat
Robin de Jesús
Tiffany Taylor
Alana Allen
Anna Kendrick
Sasha Allen
Steven Cutts
Vince Rimoldi
Kahiry Bess
Don Dixon
Roberto Orosco
Stephen DiMenna
Omar Edwards
Camilla Millican Samuelson
Julie Kleiner
DeQuina Moore
Brittany Pollack
Tracee Beazer
Tony Melson
Patrick Cubbedge
Mario Concepcion
Ryan Fitzgerald
Caitlin Van Zandt
Stephen Sondheim
Egle Petraite
David Perlow
Luke Stanhope
Melanna Gray
Eddie Clark
Leslie Frye
Natasha Coppola-Shalom