The Agitator is a 1945 British drama film directed by John Harlow and starring William Hartnell, Mary Morris and John Laurie. Its plot follows a young mechanic who unexpectedly inherits the large firm where he works and tries to run it according to his socialist political beliefs. It was based on the 1925 novel Peter Pettinger by William Riley.
William Hartnell
Mary Morris
John Laurie
Moore Marriott
George Carney
Elliott Mason
J.H. Roberts
Frederick Leister
Joss Ambler
Cathleen Nesbitt
Joyce Heron
Edward Rigby
Philip Godfrey
Moira Lister
Beatrice Varley
Cyril Smith
Howard Douglas
Lloyd Pearson
Edgar Driver
Bransby Williams
Newton Blick
Sebastian Cabot
David Davies
George Hilsdon
Vincent Holman
James Knight
Harry Terry
Robert Brooks Turner
H Victor Weske
Ian Wilson