One week before proposing to his girlfriend, Kyle, a down-on-his-luck romantic, discovers that she's been sleeping with another man. Unemployed, saddled with debt, and depressed, Kyle embarks on a funny yet affecting journey to recovery that involves living in his car, bottom-of-the-barrel jobs, therapy, online dating, and Kyle's own wild, fantastical, and snarky imagination.
Trevor St. John David
Amy Vorpahl
Cate Beehan
Nicholas Tucci
Nicole Day
Brandie Posey
Deidre Scott
Rachel Kerbs
Mike Marcus
Aaron Rozenfeld
Mary Holland
Daniel Berson
David Valliere
J. Anthony McCarthy
G. Maximilian Zarou
Ed Spangler
Lilan Bowden
Daniel Weiss
Joel Spence
Mike Leffingwell
Nikki Limo
Jennie Newman
Peter Cellini
Paul Welsh
Eamon Sheehan
Bobby Reed
Mary Danielle Black
Jenny Cronlund
Anna Vocino
Sarah Schreiber
Jeanne Taylor
William Maier
Jay Frosting
Peter Szilagyi
Lenny Hernandez
Gina Ippolito
Karen Jean Olds
Shaun Parker
Arun Storrs
Julie Civiello
Mackenzie Horras
Heather Horton