This documentary follows superstar Bret Hart during his last year in the WWF. The film documents the tensions that resulted in The Montreal Screwjob, one of the most controversial events in the history of professional wrestling, in which Vince McMahon, Shawn Micheals, and others, legitimately conspired behind the scenes to go against the script and remove Bret Hart as champion.
Bret Hart
Owen Hart
Vince McMahon
Steven Anderson
Michael Hickenbottom
Mick Foley
Brian Pillman
Blade Hart
Julie Hart
Stu Hart
Helen Hart
Diana Joyce Hart-Smith
Keith William Hart
Tammy Lynn Sytch
Jim Neidhart
Georgia Hart
Mark Calaway
Curt Hennig
Dave Meltzer
Wayne Farris
Paul Budra
Michael Landsberg
Mike Hegstrand
Joe Laurinaitis
Del Wilkes
Bob Marella
Earl Hebner
Rick Rood
Vince Russo
Glenn Ruth
Dustin Runnels
Leon White
Pat Patterson
David Smith
Ellie Hart
Alison Hart
Marc Mero
Kevin Nash
Scott Hall
Larry Pfohl
Randy Poffo
Brian James
Roderick Toombs
Paul Lévesque
Robert Howard
Michael Seitz
Tom Brandi
Mark Canterbury
Jesús Castillo Ortiz Jr
Jose Estrada Jr
Brian Lee Harris
Dean Hart
Smith Hart
Edward Ellsworth Annis
Grant McReynolds
Miguel Pérez Jr.
Juan Rivera
Harry Smith
Ted Turner
Charles Warrington
Rena Marlette Lesnar
Shane McMahon
Brian Schaaf
Chad Socolovitch