This movie ties in with the experiences of legendary Josefine (Janine) she really was...part 1 and 2. As Josefine (Janine) has to go into jail, because she directed a luxurious brothel, she gets to know the young "playboy" Poldi, who fights for Josefine´s deliverance. As she is being released from jail, the "Mutzenbacher" goes back to her business and so she seduces anybody, who comes between her labia. At an excessive binge in the Russian embassy she gets to know the young Count Wanja, and she falls in love with him. Once again a movie, which will wows you again.
Uschi Karnat
Frithjof Klausen
Siggi Buchner
Peter Steiner Jr.
Veronica Moser
Monika Sandmayr
Margit Ojetz
Gérard Luig
Christine Black
Ursula Gaussmann
Ralph Wieck
Günther Amann
Hans-Peter Kremser
Peter Zimmerman
Sylvia Engelmann
Joachim Zell
Ernst Kraus
Günter Weissmann
Jürgen Winter