"Bucharest Non-Stop" is a feature film that tells the story of a neighborhood of Bucharest. More specifically, the film is a night of non-stop life of a store located in a neighborhood blocks. Four drive four different stories linked by a key figure, Achim, known as "the boy from non-stop", played by George Ifrim. The film wants to convey the story of ordinary people in extraordinary situations.
Gheorghe Ifrim
Toma Cuzin
Dorina Lazăr
Ion Besoiu
Dorian Boguță
Lili Sandu
Olimpia Melinte
Adrian Titieni
Tudor Smoleanu
Alexandru Papadopol
Dan Bordeianu
Costel Bojog
Lia Bugnar
Maria Obretin
Ilinca Manolache
Aida Economu
Zina Ramona Tănase