This All-Star Comedy (production number 7437, and a remake of 1940's "The Heckler" with Charley Chase) has Shemp Howard, noise-maker and heckler deluxe, hired by two gamblers to rattle a ball team while the gamblers bet on the opponents. The gamblers are more than a little bit vexed when Shemp loses his voice.
Shemp Howard
Vernon Dent
Walter Soderling
Tom Coleman
Heinie Conklin
Willa Pearl Curtis
Lew Davis
Bess Flowers
Donald Gordon
George Gray
Doris Houck
John Ince
Claire James
Marilyn Johnson
Johnny Kascier
Daniel Kerry
Ethan Laidlaw
Nolan Leary
Dolores Moran
Frank O'Connor
Brian O'Hara
Wally Rose
Victor Travis
Matt Willis