The story begins as two missionaries are arrested for unlawful proselytizing. The law regarding such behavior has been set up by the Christian Town Council to oversee the religious and more importantly "non-Christian" influences within the town. The movie follows Thomas Bryant's inner struggle as he is ordered to defend the missionaries. As Thomas begins to empathize with the plight of the missionaries, he is confronted by his wife and forced into a confrontation with his friend-turned adversary, James Radner. Thomas becomes the center of animosity in the small town. His internal struggle becomes the catalyst of life and death-events portrayed in the story, bringing into question the topics of religion and acceptance. The intriguing court battle, together with a significant and surprising twist of fate for Thomas, lead to a strong critical ending that will leave the audience pondering what makes life memorable and truly important.
Andrew Lenz
Michelle Wright
Camille Thomas
Brooks Utley
Salina Starr
John Foss
Allan Groves
James Westwood
Bryce Chamberlain
Joan Peterson
Gary Neilson
David Seaman
Wendy Assay
Lillith Fields
Brittany Wells
Steve Luna
T Nelson
Mitch English
Anson Clark
Cameron Hopkin
Josh Romney
Jessica Welch
Stephanie Appleton
T.J. Bates
Jason Butcher
Linda Clark
Tiffany Goodenough
Becky Heiss
Nate Herd
Eric Jensen
Michael Judd
Arlin Lords
Wendy Pyper
Paula Rietbrock
Darci Stilson
Rick Dodgen
Kim Page
Cody Stone
Justin Utley
B. Murphy
Roger Hampel
Donavan Hunsaker
Justin Wright
Nikelle Hunsaker
Evan Glassett
Clark Cooper
Kristi Labrum
Melissa Jackson
Wendy Bradshaw
Pamela Butters
Kimball Johnson