In a remote Slovak village in the closing days of World War II, a schoolteacher and his young wife find a wounded Russian parachutist in their front yard just as the Germans are coming in to occupy their village. As his wife readily becomes involved with anti-Nazi partisans, the schoolteacher collaborates with the Germans in fear.
Ladislav Chudík
Dana Smutná
Dušan Blaškovič
Emil Horváth st.
František Dibarbora
Oleg Strizhenov
Wilhelm Koch-Hooge
Jindřich Narenta
Věra Tichánková
Josef Vorel
Alex Jandouš
Peter Rúfus
Vojtech Kovarík
Ján Hečko
Josef Kotapiš
N. Tomanová
Josef Beyvl
Štefan Halás
G. Šiška
Libuša Kulhánková-Gýmerská
Anton Gymerský
Jiří Němeček
Adam Matejka
M. Hronec
P. Schwartz