Kaplan mixes rather effortlessly the 3 predominant porn formats: hardcore sex, softcore simulated sex and the grey borderline in-between -namely the "almost hardcore" familiar to fans of the scores of '60s/early '70s features revived by Something Weird lately. All 3 types of scenes are presented seamlessly in feature film format, and the viewer comes away not feeling cheated (or overwhelmed with "too much" as in contemporary porn) for a change.
Tiffany Buecher
Michael John Hinton
Tammy Parks
Victoria Zdrok
Jack Tynan
Erin Kane
Christopher Hardwich
Sabrina Royal
Victoria Vega
Darian Caine
John Wilson
Johnny Rich
Christine Karlo
Joe Ciolina
Micky Lynn
Harley Raine
Tommy Swan
Sierra Sands
Vince Vouyer