Comedy inspired by paperback crime novels tells the story of an adventurous search for a mysterious murderer who just after the end of the First World War has begun a rampage in Wilson City, a jerkwater town somewhere in Eastern Europe. The investigation is being led by an inhomogeneous pair of detectives - a greenhorn and local police cadet named Eisner and an experienced FBI officer Food, who has been sent to Europe by US President Woodrow Wilson himself.
Jiří Macháček
Vojtěch Dyk
Tatiana Pauhofová
Jan Kraus
Hoji Fortuna
Richard Stanke
Ľuboš Kostelný
Stanislav Majer
Peter Šimun
Stanislav Zindulka
Petr Čtvrtníček
Csongor Kassai
Tatiana Evonuk
Jiří Maryško
Petr Vaněk
Daniel Sidon
Milan Markovič
Lubica Rybárska
Emília Vášáryová
Pavel Šimčík
Oldřich Kaiser
Boris Hybner