In 1997 the close-knit Anderson family vanished from their home without a trace. No bodies were ever found and no explanation satisfied curiosity. For 17 years the house has remained undisturbed...until now. This eerily expert frightener is further enlivened by terrific performances from ‘Suits’/’Arrow’ star Neal McDonough and SILENT HILL/THE TALL MAN/TIDELAND’s Jodelle Ferland.
Jodelle Ferland
Sunny Suljic
Neal McDonough
Matt Bellefleur
Fulvio Cecere
Chilton Crane
Jake Croker
Rukiya Bernard
Pascale Hutton
Anthony Konechny
Jonathan Whitesell
Chanelle Peloso
Lochlyn Munro
Michael J Rogers
Cole Vigue
Jessie Fraser
Trevor Carroll