Lozana, a young, beautiful and clever woman decides to move to the city after a tragic love story. There, she meets Rampin, a naughty rascal who soon finds out that her wit surpasses his own by a handful. When he falls in love with her, he can't help suffering as he sees how she plays not only with him, but with all of her lovers as well.
Bárbara Rey
Francisco Algora
Laura Riera
Rafael Anglada
Josep Peñalver
Carlos Ibarzábal
Tomás Sánchez
Monserrat Fontova
Juan Fernández
José María Cañete
Alfred Lucchetti
Pepita Llunell
Mercedes Monterrey
Marta Flores
Pilar Montejo
José Solans
Juan Subatella
Juan Torres
Josefa Llausas
Concepció Arquimbau
Sara Grey
Dolors Ducastella
Manuel Villajos
José Palomo
Yolanda Avilés
Mònica Lucchetti
Jorge Pueyo
Eudaldo Escala
Juan Ollé
César Ojinaga
Miguel Ángel García
Guillermo We
Antoñita Colomé
Llàtzer Escarceller