With her family suffering from extreme poverty, Yuko, as the eldest daughter, is sold to a successful brothel in Kyoto. There she is assigned to serve Takamatsu, one of the brothel’s top customers. But while Takamatsu falls madly in love with Yuko, she finds herself attracted to a young priest named Kunugida. Torn by jealousy, Takamatsu hatches an evil plan to tear them apart.
Yoshiko Sakuma
Chōichirō Kawarasaki
Michiyo Kogure
Minoru Chiaki
Yatsuko Tan'ami
Kaneko Iwasaki
Teruko Kishi
Seiji Miyaguchi
Harue Akagi
Eijirō Tōno
Eitarō Shindō
Koreya Senda
Toshie Kimura
Yachiyo Kirishima
Sayoko Tanimoto
Yuriko Anjo
Shigako Shimegi
Akiko Kazami
Shigemi Kitahara
Midori Yamamoto
Genji Kawai
Masao Oda
Gōzō Sōma