A romantic drama set in a stunning village in Italian Switzerland. Alice is a beautiful and troubled twenty-something who is on the run from a life that is out of control. When her estranged father dies she returns to the village of her childhood to execute his will. Here she meets the grandmother she never knew, a man who may hold the key to her heart and a young epileptic boy. We watch to see if Alice can mend the damage inflicted by warring parents. Ultimately Jump is an uplifting story about the power of friendship and love.
Claire Price
Enzo Scanzi
Glen Blackhall
Heidi Diggelmann
Elena Aglaja Amadò
Gabriel Beltrami
Micol Bonetti
Nina Conconi
Elisa Conte
Bindu De Stoppani
Gianluca Gambino
Carla Juri
Cinzia Morandi
Alessandro Otupacca
Roberto Regazzoni
Clarissa Tami
Tatiana Winteler