The Party Animal is a documentary-style comedy about a sex-starved man, Pondo Sinatra, a 26-year-old college student whom everyone agrees is doomed to die a virgin. Desperate to break what seems to be a cosmic curse, he tries ever more bizarre schemes to seduce one the sexy, scantily-clad women who seem to be everywhere, taunting him and enjoying his misery. Despite his best efforts, however, he is rejected everywhere, even at the local cathouse. When Pondo threatens to kill himself, Studley, his ladykilling best friend, tries to help him in his quest to "get him a little", as does Studley's mentor, a wise old janitor named Elbow.
Matthew Causey
Timothy Carhart
Jerry Jones
Robin Harlan
Frank Galati
Lucy Roucis
Joan Dykman
Barbara Baylis
Frannie James
Leland Crooke
Billi Gordon
Susanne Ashley
Julie Casey
Rachael Frantz
Donna Robb
Debbie Lynn Ross
Lisa Toothman
Deanna Olivier
Debby Elliott
Melinda Stevens
Judi Evans
Merrie Lawson
Adrian Nandory
Mary Beth Lombardi
Herman Simon
Michael Listorti
Rick Wilson
Mary Tallman
Ron Seigel
Vic Anthony
Louis Delviar
Brandy Bushell
Wendy Payette
Cheryl Frasure
Mari Rene
Kari French
Patti Tippo
Kelly Garrett
Cory Titus
Mauretania Ballard
Roberta Royer
Debi Bonsall
Jan Tarmy
Wendy Hart
Andrea Kenna
Tracy Schaut Somers
Marcia Deppa
Christine Reedy
Trish Schaut
Margaret Aylward
Steve Riamonde
Jason Charles
Jean Robert
Swayne Johnson
Karen Bankhead
Adrina Nandory
Marilynn Celeste