In 1981, an enthusiastic young adventurer follows his dreams into the Bolivian Amazon jungle with two friends and a guide with a mysterious past. Their journey quickly turns into a terrifying ordeal as the darkest elements of human nature and the deadliest threats of the wilderness lead to an all-out fight for survival.
Daniel Radcliffe
Alex Russell
Thomas Kretschmann
Joel Jackson
Yasmin Kassim
Luis Jose Lopez
Lily Sullivan
Jacek Koman
Angie Milliken
John Bluthal
Rodrigo Marulanda
Elias Granado
Miguel Angel Martinez
Cayam Ghinsberg
Brandon Membreno
Lucho Velasco
Obeida Benavides
Joey Vieira
Natasha Pruchniewicz
Kirra Gaskell
Cassandra Robinson
Ricardo Valencia
Manuel Ruiz
Ioulia Pakhomova
Nelson Camayo
Adrian Javier Perez
Claire Jones
Sara Ocampo
Henry Orozco
Paris Moletti