Young advertising executive Vatanen suddenly quits his job and his whole life in Helsinki, and decides to spend a while in the Finnish wilderness. A wounded hare hit by a car becomes his travel companion. Together they find reclusion in the Finnish Lapland, soon to be disturbed by a noisy group of foreign tourists and their pretentious Finnish hosts. When the hare gets ill and needs to see a vet, Vatanen must return to the city and finally face the choice between his new and former life
Antti Litja
Kauko Helovirta
Markku Huhtamo
Paavo Hukkinen
Juha Kandolin
Kosti Klemelä
Anna-Maija Kokkinen
Martti Kuningas
Ahti Kuoppala
Hannele Lanu
Hannu Lauri
Heikki Nousiainen
Esa Pakarinen Jr.
Martti Pennanen
Eija Pokkinen
Rita Polster
Elis Sella
Jukka Sipilä
Arto Tuominen
Matti Turunen
Aapo Vilhunen
Georges Copeloussis
Masaaki Hashimoto
Rostislav Holthoer
Leni Katajakoski
Pekka Litja
Marja Mykkänen
Helena Notkonen
Eija Nousiainen
Antti Peippo
Lia Petersen
Jorma Pulkkinen
Riku Rinkama
Eero Rinne
Pertti Sarkio
Markku Söderström
Orvokki Taivalsaari
Irma Wafin