The documentary focuses on Marco Ferreri and shows an unconventional man, extreme, provocative in ways, always a step ahead in its work, and often considered a visionary and experimental. The documentary honors the memory of a filmmaker too soon forgot that left an indelible mark in the seventh art.
Michele Placido
Rafael Azcona
Nicoletta Braschi
Sergio Castellitto
Piera Degli Esposti
Francesca Dellera
Margaret Mazzantini
Philippe Noiret
Franco Brocani
Nicoletta Ercole
Sabrina Ferilli
Andréa Ferréol
Gianni Massaro
Esteve Riambau
Ettore Rosboch
Alberto Sansone
Giancarlo Santi
Catherine Spaak
Lina Nerli Taviani
Ricky Tognazzi
Mario Vulpiani
Enzo Jannacci
Philippe Sarde