In this musical comedy, two star-struck small town kids head for the Big Apple and become famous for their jitterbug act. Their fame doesn't last long, but they had fun anyway. Songs include: "Baltimore Bubble," "Gingham Gown," "Just a Bore," "Wasn't It You," "Kaneski Waltz" (Frank Skinner, Charles Henderson).
Ken Murray
Johnny Downs
Kathryn Kane
Eddie Quillan
Ernest Truex
Edna Sedgewick
Nana Bryant
Esther Howard
Clara Blandick
Emmett Vogan
Ted Weems
Herbert Heywood
Fred Santley
John Ward
Alan Davis
John Hiestand
Clara Blore
Eddie Fetherston
Lloyd Ingraham
Alice Weaver
Joe Niemeyer
LeRoy Atkins
Ralph Brooks
Fern Emmett
Leyland Hodgson
Larry Steers
Hugh Stovall
Elmo Tanner
Arthur Yeoman