The film follows the actions of a corrupt police captain, the title-character Ángel Lugo. Lugo is responsible for the wrongful imprisonment of Mariano Farías and the murder of his pregnant wife. After 15 years in a federal prison, Farías is still determined to prove his innocence.
Braulio Castillo Jr.
Jacobo Morales
José Félix Gómez
Yamaris Latorre
Miguel Ángel Suárez
Sara Jarque
René Monclova
Marian Pabón
Teófilo Torres
Jaime Bello
Georgina Borri
Elia Enid Cadilla
Juan Manuel Lebrón
Israel Lugo
Rosalinda López
William Gracia
Esther Marí
Carmen Nydia Velázquez
Alondra Delgado
José Orraca
Luis F. Camacho
Rafael Cancel Miranda
Humberto González
Luis Torres Mercado