The nine year old Larissa lives in the Luneburg Heath. She is in the clique "The Timies", which is devoted to historical events and facts. In this summer holidays, Larissa's cousins from Berlin are visiting the Luneburg Heath for the first time. From now on, Emma more and more realizes that she disposes of a mysterious talent. By touching antique objects she is able to look into the past of these things. Will they be able to find this treasure? And what has this shining crystal appearing in Emma's visions to do with it?
Arne Prill
Larissa Felber
Elisabeth Mathilde Cartus
Lucy Kruse
Leni Evers
Noah Tammen
Lilli Marie Schwarze
Ferdinand Schönfeld
Kai-Uwe Wedel
Asterx Doc Fire
Meik Uhde
Rebekka Mueller
Stephanie Engel
Heidrun Maria Kania
Natascha Wöbel
Katja Pöllmann
Julia Dordel
Sybille Dordel
Simson Bubbel
Ilir Rexhepi
Tadeusz Januszewski
Lars Möhring
Volker Pöllmann
Till Pöllmann
Anna Pöllmann
Christian Borsutzki
Rene Meier
Antonio Wehrmann
Daniel Meyer
Martin Kregelin
Eike Schwalb
Thea Bosse
Melanie Schwarze
Charlotte Möhring
Tom Pinna
Jerome Fardi
Helga Kredatus
Angela Manz
Gerlinde Pelikan
Ulrike Zeiher
Bianca Peters
Nina Ramershoven
Franziska Regener
Amelie Hayley Regener
Lia Regener
Ella Jacobs
Julius Langer
Werner Schwalb
Nila Dannenberg
Yara Keun
Ysee Keun