Follows four friends in their quest to form a punk band. As workers protests sweep across the country, Janek and Staszek, the sons of a navy man, the rebellious Kazik, and the affluent Diabel gel as a band, but their disparate lives are touched by social turmoil and outside perceptions.
Mateusz Kościukiewicz
Olga Frycz
Jakub Gierszał
Andrzej Chyra
Anna Radwan
Katarzyna Herman
Mateusz Banasiuk
Igor Obłoza
Marek Kalita
Zygmunt Malanowicz
Elżbieta Karkoszka
Brygida Turowska
Ewa Kolasińska-Szramel
Halina Skoczyńska
Grzegorz Gzyl
Maciej Nawrocki
Marian Jaskulski
Dariusz Siastacz
Bogdan Smagacki