Bernard, an accountant in an upscale jewellery store, suffers from daily psychological abuse by his boss Vendôme. Thanks to his pal Robert, also victim of harassment by this cruel man, Bernard will toy with the consequence of a well-deserved retaliation at the expense of his boss. However, as not everything is perfect in this world, Bernard will also have to experience the sometimes less pleasant after effects of this ruthless act of revenge.
Marc Béland
Gabriel Gascon
Michel Muller
Pascale Bussières
Marco Ledezma
Martin Thibaudeau
Rafael Petardi
Yves Fortin
Frederic Etherlinck
André Lanthier
Daniel Marcoux
Fajer Al-Kaisi
Rémi Zucchet
Garry S. Mailloux
Neil De Albuquerque
Alice Morel-Michaud
Sylvain Carrier
Charles Dionne
Vincent-Guillaume Otis
Terry Haig
Andrew Simms
Alexandre Cadieux
Markita Boies
Patrick Baby
Marie-Christine Adam
Vincent Leclerc
Samson Le Destroyer
Giuseppe Mastromiamiani
Joseph Bellerose
Norman Roy
Luc Gauthier
Sasha Samar
Marcel Mueller
Janine Sutto
Richard Ledoux
Guy Germain
Maurice Demers
René Forget
Paola Flores