Set between the two World Wars and based on true historical events, Bitter Harvest conveys the untold story of the Holodomor, the genocidal famine engineered by the tyrant Joseph Stalin. The film displays a powerful tale of love, honour, rebellion and survival at a time when Ukraine was forced to adjust to the horrifying territorial ambitions of the burgeoning Soviet Union.
Max Irons
Samantha Barks
Terence Stamp
Barry Pepper
Tamer Hassan
Aneurin Barnard
Tom Austen
Richard Brake
William Beck
Lucy Brown
Nicholas Aaron
Edward Akrout
Gary Oliver
Jack Hollington
Richard Ashton
Paul Hickey
Michael Jenn
Rod Hunt
Malcolm Freeman
Joey Price
Kevin Hudson
Kathy Kiera Clarke
Adam McNamara
David G. Robinson
Jocasta Anderson
Tim Charles
Kane Ogieva
Rob Mitchell-James
Ostap Stupka
Denis Khoroshko
Dominic Borrelli
Jane Thorne
Marat Khairoullin
Ryan Bromham
Tracy Kirby