In the 70s, there was Merckx and there were the others. Ghislain Lambert was one of the others. This is his story, a quite simple one. The story of a modest Belgian bike racer. His greatest ambition in life? To become a champion. His greatest tragedy? Not having the legs his heart deserves.
Benoît Poelvoorde
José Garcia
Daniel Ceccaldi
Sacha Bourdo
Emmanuel Quatra
Christelle Cornil
Jacqueline Poelvoorde-Pappaert
Fernand Guiot
Frederic Renson
Pierre Martot
Éric Naggar
Nicole Valberg
Michel de Warzee
Isabelle Giami
Guy Van Riet
Koen De Koker
Antoine de Caunes
François Berland
Thierry Godard
Jean-Baptiste Iera