The way Saint Peter explains it to the Devil who's knocking on Heaven's door to collect his share of souls: there will be no more souls, as God has come to doubt if humans are really meant to achieve salvation. If they aren't then how can they be punished posthumous and sent to Hell? There's only one way to make sure if sinning is the human nature, or is it that they simply don't want to better themselves - Devil himself must go down to Earth, in human form, and if he can achieve salvation then so can a human being... Based on A. H. Tammsaare's classic novel of the same name.
Elmar Salulaht
Ants Eskola
Astrid Lepa
Leida Rammo
Heino Mandri
Olev Eskola
Kaarel Karm
Jüri Järvet
Jaan Saul
Eili Sild
Lea Sild
Oskar Liigand
Hugo Laur
Ervin Abel
Einari Koppel
Ants Jõgi
Ines Aru
Leida Aru
Robert Gutman
Aado Hõimre
Kalju Karask
Urmas Karilaid
Milvi Koppel
Tiia Kriisa
Leonhard Merzin
Mikk Mikiver
Aleksander Niitoja
M. Otsepp
Sander Raus
L. Simm
Olev Tinn
Helmut Vaag
Ago Õispuu