It's July 1976, and two Nova Scotian teens, Kit and Alice, are hitting the road with their sights on Sydney and their minds on the future. With them is Kit's new imaginary friend, who looks conspicuously like Andy Warhol, but who assures Kit that he is a spirit animal. Kit and Alice have big dreams, but do they really want the same things?
Dylan Authors
Julia Sarah Stone
Molly Parker
Allan Hawco
Cathy Jones
Rhys Bevan-John
Vi Tang
Alex Purdy
Aria Publicover
Max Humphreys
Matthew Lumley
Stephen McHattie
Gary Levert
Dominique Leblanc
Deivan Steele
Matteo Giovannetti
Kathryn MacLellan
Francine Deschepper
Jonathan Torrens
John Dunsworth
Jim McSwain