Marilyne, a young French girl, is studying in Paris, where she lives a quiet and peaceful life in the company of Herve, a young faculty member. Her life is altered by the behavior of her mother Paula, a woman immersed in vice and corruption, dominated by an easy disposition to love the young people who come to her. Arrangement that leads her to feel a deep passion for her daughter's boyfriend, thus breaking the tranquility of the two young people.
Françoise Givernaud
Verónica Miriel
Ángel Aranda
Eva Robin
Manuela Poulenc
Jean-Christophe Brétignière
Fabrice Cuitat
David Buisson
André Chazel
Anna Douking
Josep Lluís Fonoll
Ángel González
Antonio De Leo
María del Pilar Gómez
Claude Marre
Vittorio Martelli
Tony Mendel
Muriel Montossé
Christian Pegam
Gilles Pouyat
Line Raquel
Victor Schiard
Mick Schmitt
Marc Smadja
Silvia Suárez
Eric Thibaud
Isabel Torres
Alejandro Urquía
Piedro Vallante
Karolina Wolfzahn
Greta Woodstock
Luis Peña