Jake Casper, an ordinary high school student, finds a powerful, extraordinary box in the attic of his Grandpa's antique store. He must learn the purpose of the box, the power within it, and overcome all obstacles in his way before it is too late.
Mitchell Biggs
Gary Bosek
Stephan Brown
Tiffany Burns
Patricia Lynne Carlton
Luke Hodgson
Anthony J. Williams
Tanya Wood
Ryan-Iver Klann
Melissa O'Brien
Josiah Page
Aneesa Berryer
Patricia Lynne Cissell
Dennis Doyle Jr.
Christy Edwards
Nicholas Fakaros
Donna Frazier
Alyssa Harbaugh
Byron Jamez
Tim Kaiser
Kristina Kaylen
Bryce Kereluk
Angela G. King
Shirley Moon Koebbe
Paige Mattison
Dan McBride
Kevin McGaffey
Kathi J. Moore
Emily Margaret Moreno
Chase William Murphy
Justin Nelson
Rose Anne Nepa
Jacob Ouellette
Joseph Ouellette
Terri Partyka
Kristie Rautenberg
Nick Rautenberg
Mark Schettler
Vickie Lynn Smith
Michael Sneed
Rich Swingle
Ryan Weaver
Drew Zimmerman