This subversive period film features a hotheaded young samurai, Kurodo, who threatens to commit harakiri in response to the humiliation meted out to his family by the Shogun. The film critiques the inhumanity of feudal obligations, and Uchida’s direction slyly satirizes the contemporary cinematic audience, whose taste for onscreen bloodshed is mirrored in a crowd gathering to watch the protagonist’s planned suicide. The Master Spearman is imbued with Uchida’s characteristic blend of dark humor and stylized action, and Ryutaro Otomo gives an admirable performance in the lead.
Ryutaro Otomo
Chikage Awashima
Hiromi Hanazono
Isao Yamagata
Kensaku Hara
Masao Oda
Eitarō Ozawa
Yataro Kurokawa
Chiezō Kataoka
Ryōsuke Kagawa
Eijirō Kataoka
Kajō Onoe
Fujio Suga
Kinnosuke Takamatsu
Hisao Toake
Shin Tokudaiji
Eijirō Tōno