The history begins in a small small village. The son lives with the father, and the daughter with mother, their parents constantly are at enmity and clash, bringing the matter to fights. Young people love each other, but their parents aren't happy with it and suggest them to go to the city to find to itself soulmates and it isn't simple to find halves, but also to be enriched with a money, and together with it to find the run-away parents. Searches are vain, they only find adventures on the fifth point and are got involved in fight with local бандюгами then them put in a monkey house. By accident they are found by the run-away parents, but problems becomes even more. Any yaposhka snub sporting goods store of their parents, causing them on any foolish competitions which also win and thus doing of their parents of full suckers...
Pauline Lan
Woo Gwa
Su Chu
Chin Tu
David Tao
Tan Ai-Chen
Chen Hui-Lou
Tang Zi-Tong
Yen Cheng-Chieh
Ye Rong-Ting
Hsiang Mei-Lung
Yukari Ôshima
Lin Kaiwen
Chao Shun
Chang Shun-Hsing