Nearly a decade after occupation by an extraterrestrial force, the lives of a Chicago neighborhood on both sides of the conflict are explored. In a working-class Chicago neighborhood occupied by an alien force for nine years, increased surveillance and the restriction of civil rights have given rise to an authoritarian system -- and dissent among the populace.
John Goodman
Ashton Sanders
Jonathan Majors
Vera Farmiga
Kevin Dunn
Kevin J. O'Connor
Alan Ruck
Ben Daniels
James Ransone
D. B. Sweeney
Madeline Brewer
Caitlin Ewald
Lawrence Grimm
Guy Van Swearingen
Elena Marisa Flores
Rene L. Moreno
Yasen Peyankov
Ta'Rhonda Jones
Shannon Cochran
Patrese McClain
Chike Johnson
Megan Brooke Long
Chronicle Ganawah
Alex Henderson
Lucien Cambric
KiKi Layne
Avery Lee
Bries Vannon
Jason Bradley
James Hatten
Christian Isely
Laura Fisher
Steve Herson
Marc Grapey
Eric C. Lynch
José Antonio García
Kelly Cole
Danny Goldring
Michael Christopher Collins
Julius Mercer
David J. Height
Robert Forte Shannon III
Meghan Murphy
Wendi Weber
Mickey O'Sullivan
Ronald L. Conner
Jane Baxter Miller
Matthew Lucki
Cyrus Alexander
Ilyssa Fradin
Linsey Page Morton
Marcos Barnes
John Brady
Greg Nicotero
Zach Thomas
Collin Woldt
Brian 'Wolfman Black' Bowman
Carey Jones
Lizzy Leigh
Mino Mackic
Jackie Saland
Giota Trakas
Otis Winston