A sequel movie to The Diary (1999). The movie succeed to replicate the 30's, between the two world war, between Paris and London. Anna (Lila Baumann) arranges Dr. Cristina Inger, a female physician for her paralyzed husband's treatment and she joins the shows at nightclubs as a stripteaser and prostitute to pay her. Husband is cured but fell in love with Dr. Cristina.
Lila Baumann
Jason Davies
Kirsty Smith
Christopher O'Loughlin
Kestrel Boyle
Maria Gleikh
Lee Henshaw
Kellie Priestley
Nikki Inwood
Alison Amberley
Sedrik Garcia
Adam Ashford
Oxana Vorobieva
Svetlana Pavlova
Maria Krivo
Marina Derkun
Alla Kovtun
Natasha Vale