Nora is a young housewife and mother, living in a quaint little village with her husband and their two sons. The Swiss countryside is untouched by the major social upheavals the movement of 1968 has brought about. Nora’s life is not affected either; she is a quiet person who is liked by everybody – until she starts to publicly fight for women’s suffrage, which the men are due to vote on in a ballot on February 7, 1971.
Marie Leuenberger
Maximilian Simonischek
Marta Zoffoli
Bettina Stucky
Rachel Braunschweig
Sibylle Brunner
Noe Krejcí
Finn Sutter
Peter Freiburghaus
Therese Affolter
Ella Rumpf
Nicholas Ofczarek
Sofia Helin
Elias Arens
Mirjam Zbinden
Marietta Jemmi
Kristin Flückiger
Urs Bosshardt
Fabienne Hadorn
Sandra Utzinger
Steffi Friis
Walter Leonardi
Ingo Ospelt
Suramira Vos