Struggling against the crisis in Portugal, a mother doubles up jobs to pay the bills since her husband is unemployed. Their teenage daughter tries to keep living everyday life even if the money is running short, which makes everything uneasy. Escaping from their common reality, they slowly become strangers to one another, as the tension grows in silence and in guilt.
João Pedro Vaz
Alice Albergaria Borges
Beatriz Batarda
Clara Jost
Tomás Gomes
Dinis Gomes
Ricardo Aibéo
Simone de Oliveira
Rita Blanco
Miguel Seabra
Carloto Cotta
Afonso Chambel
Renata Sancho
Francisco Nascimento
Israel Pimenta
Sara Martins
Angela Cerveira
Carlota Lagido
António Costa Santos
Victor Gonçalves
Daniel Yuan Andrade
Leonardo Yuan Andrade
Luca Urgeghe
António Figueiredo
Marcello Urgeghe