A continuation from the Kamen Rider Ghost TV series, this is the story of Makoto, Alain, and Kanon who have traveled back to the Ganma World. It will explain the connection between Makoto and the Makoto doppelganger. Kanon’s secret will be revealed as well.
Ryosuke Yamamoto
Hayato Isomura
Mio Kudo
James Onoda
Aya Marsh
Shun Nishime
Hikaru Osawa
Takayuki Yanagi
Takuya Mizoguchi
Reo Kansyuji
Yasuomi Sano
Hiroshi Yamamoto
Seiji Takaiwa
Reon Kadena
Hiroshi Katsuno
Yoshiyuki Morishita
Renma Taga
Yui Segizawa
Yasuo Hanayama
Hiroe Amano
Tokia Kitahara