Based on the Kenneth Roberts novel of the same name, this film tells the story of two friends who join Rogers' Rangers, as the legendary elite force engages the enemy during the French and Indian War. The film focuses on their famous raid at Fort St. Francis and their marches before and after the battle.
Spencer Tracy
Robert Young
Walter Brennan
Ruth Hussey
Nat Pendleton
Louis Hector
Robert Barrat
Lumsden Hare
Donald MacBride
Isabel Jewell
Douglas Walton
Regis Toomey
Lloyd Bridges
Addison Richards
Hugh Sothern
Montagu Love
Lester Matthews
Truman Bradley
C.E. Anderson
Arthur Aylesworth
Rand Brooks
Don Castle
Richard Cramer
Warren Douglas
George Eldredge
Verna Felton
Edward Gargan
Gibson Gowland
Denis Greene
Tony Guerrero
Frank Hagney
Gwendolyn Logan
Tom London
George Lynn
Helen MacKellar
Addie McPhail
John Merton
Ferdinand Munier
Ted Oliver
Eddie Parker
Andrew Pena
Lawrence Porter
Kent Rogers
George Sky Eagle
Robert St. Angelo
Ray Teal
Harry Wilson
Hank Worden
Frederick Worlock