1934, Germany. The ten-year-old Peter lives in a small town with his parents. His father, an underground Communist, is arrested. In the summer vacation the kids from the neighbourhood fight in two teams, which prevail in turns. One team, led by Ewald, imitates the Nazis, while the other, headed by Fritz, follows his Communist father's example.
Dirk Schönberger
Jenny Gröllmann
Gunter Sonneson
Ernst Meincke
Gerald Schaale
Jörg Panknin
Gerd Funk
Werner Hahn
Gisela Leipert
Willi Schrade
Hédi Temessy
Franziska Troegner
Karin Ugowski
Gerry Wolff
Rudolf Woschiek
Monika Woytowicz
Ruth Kommerell
Karin Beewen
Ostara Körner
Theresia Wider
Angela Brunner