Xabi, a troubled boy, meets Iñaki, a member of the terrorist gang ETA who becomes his mentor and ideological inspiration. Some time later, Xabi is arrested for throwing a Molotov cocktail and confined in a juvenile detention center, where he meets Joel, a Mexican, and Driss, a Moroccan, with whom he manages to flee and reach Madrid with the purpose of finding Iñaki and joining the gang.
Israel Rodríguez
Mehroz Arif
Hugo Catalán
Juanma Lara
Elena Martínez
Inma Cuevas
Pepa Aniorte
Fanny de Castro
Luis Hostalot
Ana Rayo
Juan Luis Galiardo
Pablo Puyol
Antonio Dechent
Manuel Salas
Asun Ayllón
Raúl Zajdner
Antonio Salazar
Aquiliano Gamazo
Ángeles Maeso