Based on the true story of a young Scottish lad, Peter Marshall, who dreams of only going to sea but finds out there is a different future for him when he receives a "calling" from God to be a minister. He leaves Scotland and goes to America where after a few small congregations he lands the position of pastor of the Church of the Presidents in Washington, D.C. and eventually he becomes Chaplain of the U.S. Senate.
Richard Todd
Jean Peters
Marjorie Rambeau
Jill Esmond
Les Tremayne
Robert Burton
Gladys Hurlbut
Richard Garrick
Gloria Gordon
Billy Chapin
Marietta Canty
Ann B. Davis
Eleanor Audley
Roy Glenn
Doris Lloyd
Emmett Lynn
Sam McDaniel
Dorothy Neumann
Bill Walker
Barbara Morrison
Leslie Parrish
Oliver Hartwell
Stuart Hall
Sam Harris