Life is not a pony farm - even if it started there. The experience of three unequal sisters in the young comedy : They learn shortly before the silver wedding of their parents that there is a dark chapter in their picture book marriage. On their trip to the family celebration, this provides additional explosives in the already exciting girl's triangle.
Gro Swantje Kohlhof
Claudia Eisinger
Karin Hanczewski
Sebastian Fräsdorf
Morgane Ferru
Steffi Kühnert
Steffen Münster
Lana Cooper
Frank Dukowski
Benedikt Greiner
Waldemar Hooge
Ulrike Hübschmann
Peter Jordan
Tim Kalkhof
Nils Malten
Rainer Reiners
Roland Wolf
Martina Ysker
Moritz Jahn