A story of a young student of medicine, who arrives in a small mountain village after being accused for carrying out illegal abortion. The film reflects the moral decline of the society, where stealing in secret and making compromises against one's beliefs make up mundane reality. The filmmakers went to perhaps the furthest possible limits in terms of allowed social criticism in the 1980s. The negative picture is enhanced by its rural setting, since the Slovak village had been traditionally associated with strict morals and conservative values.
Maroš Kramár
György Cserhalmi
Zlata Adamovská
Wilhelm Perhác
Cyril Drozda
Tomáš Žilinčík
Ján Sedal
Rudolf Hrušínský
Ivana Chýlková
Jana Plichtová
Ivan Palúch
Anton Januš
József Kovács
Michal Monček
Josef Žluťák Hrubý
Edita Gallová
Karel Meister
Marta Rašlová
František Velecký
Tibor Löffler
Milan Kotrbanec
Darina Chmúrová
Lenka Mesíková
Adela Gáborová
Ladislav Vagadaj
Ján Borna
Dušan Kollár
Miroslav Kozák
Ján Lacko
Ľudovít Sendrei
Viliam Stolár
Jana Matulová
Štefan Kožka
Yveta Weiszová
Peter Bzdúch