Chile, 1983. Gladys is a brave young woman who lives in La Victoria, a marginal neighborhood of Santiago with her mother and daughter during the Pinochet dictatorship. One day they receive a young missionary, Samuel Thompson, who, with his camera, records how the population lives in such an adverse scenario.
Nathalia Aragonese
Daniel Contesse
Elías Collado
Corina Posada
Luis Dubó
Nicolás Rojas
Sara Becker
Claudia Santelices
Claudio González
Claudio Valenzuela
Alvaro Pacull
Daniela Cartagena
Ramón González
Miguel Krstulovic
Cristian Niedbalski
Karla Matta
Luis Bravo
Paula Hofmann
Penélope Fortunatti
Nicolás de Terán
Berta Maggi