A poor accountant, but with the enigmatic name Agisilaos Onassis (Kostas Voutsas), who dreams of a great life, suddenly learns that he only has a month left to live. He abandons everything and, with the savings he has on his side, is leaving on an island to spend this last month of his life as rich.
Kostas Voutsas
Mema Stathopoulou
Emilia Ipsilanti
Theodoros Katsadramis
Andreas Barkoulis
Giorgos Moshidis
Marika Nezer
Christos Doxaras
Rafael Denogias
Danos Lygizos
Makis Demiris
Giorgos Grigoriou
Nitsa Molly
Aris Tsiounis
Anthi Gounari
Haris Tryfonas
Yannis Kalatzis