Based on a song by the same name. It was the Genre Popularizer for the Rillumarei film and live entertainment genre that drew from the musical couplet genre of light, cleverly written, often satirical songs. Many of these films were based on an existing song, or a song was specifically written to be the foundation of a film.
Esa Pakarinen
Reino Helismaa
Jorma Ikävalko
Jorma Nortimo
Veikko Uusimäki
Mai-Brit Heljo
Siiri Angerkoski
Marja Korhonen
Kalle Rouni
Joel Asikainen
Antero Ruuhonen
Hannes Veivo
Lennart Lauramaa
Anton Soini
Vilho Ruuskanen
Veikko Linna
Matti Lehtelä
Maila Tuomi
Urho Seppälä
Oke Tuuri
Eino Ritari
Uuno Andersson
Olavi Suominen
Ahti Vallinheimo
Aarne Laine
Urho Kastari