Once Upon a Time, one of the first animated films made in Spain, is a free adaptation of the story Cinderella by Charles Perrault. It was directed by Cirici Pellicer, pseudonym of Jaime Baguña Gil, and obtained recognition for the best children's film at the Venice Film Festival.
Juan Aristi Eulate
Carme Contreras
María Victoria Durá
José Casín
Rosita Valero
Camino Garrigó
Juan Manuel Soriano
Emilio Fábregas
Esperanza Barrera
Maribel Casals
Fernando Ulloa
Jesús Puche
Miguel Ángel Puche
Miguel Ángel Valdivieso
María Dolores Gispert
Marta Fabregas
Irene Barroso
José Vidal